Boston was an awesome exprience. I loved everything about it except the last 10K of the marathon. The history of the city was fun to explore. I loved the subway and getting around for 15 bucks for the whole week.
I loved eating clam chowder and other fantastic seafood.

Going to the temple was a great break from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The actual marathon was a different experience. It was much harder than I expected and my legs did not love it. I went out too fast and the last 10K was brutal because of it. But even though while I was running it I had doubts I could actually finish it, I did finish (a little slower than I wanted) and now that it is all over, it was a great experience. What made it even better was getting back to our hotel and finding many text messages, emails and facebook posts with words of support and congrats from all our friends. We seriously have the greatest friends in the world. I love you guys! We can't wait to do it again and redeem ourselves nad maybe we can get some of you friends to join us. Start training now.

Better pictures will follow (probably) when I get them off my camera. These few are from Tom's phone, hence the poor quality.
A full race report will be posted soon at http://www.ourroadtoboston.blogspot.com/.
Now, I get to finish recovering for the Hurricane Half-marathon on Saturday.