So I decided I better get in at least one half-marathon this year and the more prego I get, the harder it is going to be. So, since Tom's family was coming down for this one, I figured I better go for it.
It was a super cold rainy week. It seriously rained Sunday through Saturday, basically non-stop. Luckily, I got in a 10-miler on Saturday before the storms rolled in. That was my longest run in a long while and it wasn't easy (even though I am not that pregnant-18 weeks makes a difference though). So I didn't really run even once the rest of the week. I intended to, but the rain and my moodiness prevented it. I attempted the treadmill on Thursday before the race, but kids, interruptions, grumpiness and lack of motivation helped me run a whopping 2 miles over an hour.
The rain continued to fall and actually turned into snow Friday night. I was not really looking forward to the race, but I had paid my 35 bucks and would do it. Tom's parent's, sister and family, and Tom's brother and family came to run and cheer. We had 10 Dansies in the 5k and half-marathon and a cheering section and they were all troopers.
Luckily for us all, the moisture subsided by the start of the race and just left chilly air in its wake--nothing layers couldn't combat.
I had plans to run the half in under 2 hours and I made my goal. I finished in 1:54. I only wish they had a prego division. Tom rocked the course, as always, in 1:28.
Post race, we enjoyed In n Out and relaxing with the family on Grandpa's hats. It was a great race as always, and I look forward to the next one.